What should I name my music magazine?

Thursday, 1 March 2012


I have completed my music magazine along with the evaluation so this will be my last post! Bye Blogger :)


I was originally going to post my audience feedback as a video but due to technological problems I have not been able to do that, so will just post what Nelly and Ellen, two girls who are in the range of my target audience- said to me.

Nelly: "I like the front cover because the text stands out and the main image is bright and vibrant; you can really see the sun on her face making the picture look fresh. The whole layout of the front cover looks professional, like a magazine that you would actually buy in shops! With the font of the price being so big it may put people off, as traditionally the price is quite small on magazines. However it may benefit the readers as they will find the price quickly if they are in a rush. I like how the contents page is spread out and not too cluttered so it's easy to find the right page numbers quickly, but I think the editors letter is a bit too spaced out as the box doesn't need to be that big to fit the text and you could have used that extra room for something else. I love the double page spread image! Putting the main picture of Beth as the background as well is really effective and makes it look professional."

Ellen: "The front cover really stands out and would definitely catch my eye on the shelf of a shop. I like the 'GiveMeMusic' font and I think it's a good name for the magazine. The free JLS poster is a clever way too reel in readers as well by offering a freebie so it was a good idea to add that in on the cover where everyone can see it. I also like how you've put in a smaller version of 'GiveMeMusic' on the top of the contents page because it's a good branding technique to remind the audience what they're reading. The double page spread looks good because you've included a quote of "I've proved myself to the bullies." which is an effective way of showing what's included in the interview. However the text is slightly difficult to read."

Evaluating My Music Magazine!