What should I name my music magazine?

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Possible front covers

I've taken a wide variety of photographs, trying to experiment on what would suit my student magazine the best. After doing this, I'll play around with some fonts for the title, but i have already photo shopped some of the photos to see what I can do with them.

Please pick what one you'd like the front cover to be the most. Personally, i like the first pictures, of the girl holding the camera, but i'm not sure about what effects would look best. Feel free to give any advice and suggestions, thank you.

I realise that this picture is slightly red, I will change that ^


  1. For the front cover i prefer 5th last one down for the front cover :)

  2. I like the first and the last one for different reasons. They both have the potential to be transformed into a good front cover. Both will need a little bit of work though in terms of sizing etc!

  3. i like the last one, its more front cover-y :) can put the first one on the contents page! :D
