What should I name my music magazine?

Wednesday, 9 November 2011


Please fill out this questionnaire according to what choice suits you by copying and pasting into a new post and putting a * by your chosen answer...

1: Would you read a student magazine?
  Yes         No

2: How much would you be willing to pay for a student magazine?

 Free            50p-£1.00              £1.00-£1.50            £1.50-£2.00

3: Who should the magazine be directed at?

Prep school (Year 1 upwards)         Year 7-8         Year 9-10          Year 11-13

4: What gender should the magazine be targeted at?

Males         Females          Both

5: What sort of colour schemes would appeal to you?

Bright, clashing colours          Average, complementary colours           Business like colours

6: What sort of front cover picture would make you want to read the magazine?

One student         Group of students        Teachers        Objects within school     School landscape

7: What sort of things would you expect to be included? Would it be focused on students and teachers? Or other aspects of college life? (Feel free to choose more than one option)

Mainly students     Mainly teachers     Future plans for school     Topics of discussion for teenagers

8: Are there any other factors that you'd like to mention that may be added into the magazine?
(Please suggest as much as you'd like)




  1. 1: Would you read a student magazine?

    2: How much would you be willing to pay for a student magazine?


    3: Who should the magazine be directed at?

    Prep school
    (Year 1 upwards)
    Year 7-8
    Year 9-10
    *Year 11-13*

    4: What gender should the magazine be targeted at?


    5: What sort of colour schemes would appeal to you?

    Bright, clashing colours
    *Average, complementary colours* Business like colours

    6: What sort of front cover picture would make you want to read the magazine?

    One student
    *Group of students*
    Objects within school
    School landscape

    7: What sort of things would you expect to be included? Would it be focused on students and teachers? Or other aspects of college life? (Feel free to choose more than one option)

    *Mainly students*
    Mainly teachers
    *Future plans for school *
    *Topics of discussion for teenagers*

    8: Are there any other factors that you'd like to mention that may be added into the magazine?
    (Please suggest as much as you'd like)

    How often would the magazine be issued? maybe you could do a Poll at the side and get people to vote ;)

  2. 1: Would you read a student magazine?
    Yes * No

    2: How much would you be willing to pay for a student magazine?

    Free * 50p-£1.00 £1.00-£1.50 £1.50-£2.00

    3: Who should the magazine be directed at?

    Prep school (Year 1 upwards) Year 7-8 Year 9-10 Year 11-13 *

    4: What gender should the magazine be targeted at?

    Males Females Both *

    5: What sort of colour schemes would appeal to you?

    Bright, clashing colours * Average, complementary colours Business like colours

    6: What sort of front cover picture would make you want to read the magazine?

    One student Group of students * Teachers Objects within school School landscape

    7: What sort of things would you expect to be included? Would it be focused on students and teachers? Or other aspects of college life? (Feel free to choose more than one option)

    Mainly students * Mainly teachers Future plans for school Topics of discussion for teenagers *

    8: Are there any other factors that you'd like to mention that may be added into the magazine?
    (Please suggest as much as you'd like)

    Nope :3

  3. : Would you read a student magazine?

    2: How much would you be willing to pay for a student magazine?


    3: Who should the magazine be directed at?

    Year 11-13

    4: What gender should the magazine be targeted at?


    5: What sort of colour schemes would appeal to you?

    Bright, clashing colours

    6: What sort of front cover picture would make you want to read the magazine?

    Group of students

    7: What sort of things would you expect to be included? Would it be focused on students and teachers? Or other aspects of college life? (Feel free to choose more than one option)

    Mainly students
    Topics of discussion for teenagers

    8: Are there any other factors that you'd like to mention that may be added into the magazine?
    (Please suggest as much as you'd like)
    It shouldn't just be about college but other things like music and film - anything that teenagers are interested in

  4. 1. Yes

    2. 50p - £1.00

    3. Year 11 - 13

    4. Both

    5. Bright clashing colours

    6. Group of students

    7. Focused on students and teachers, some academic aspects and other important parts of school life

    8. Nooo :)
